When and where we meet:
On the first and third Tuesday each month:
Cuddington Golf Club, Banstead Road, Banstead, Surrey SM7 1RD
On the second and fourth Tuesday each month:
Sutton Bowling Club, Bowling Way, Dorset Road,Sutton, SM2 6FF
We meet at 6:30pm for dinner at 7:00 pm
In months with a 5th Tuesday, we meet at 6:30pm for supper at:
Banstead Manor Care Home, 8 Brighton Road, Banstead, SM7 1BS
​4 March
Cuddington G.C.: Ann Shore - The Brenne 'Land of a thousand lakes'
​​​11 March
Sutton Bowling Club: Committee - Report back Business Meeting
​​​18 March
Cuddington G.C.: Guest Night Chinese Murder Mystery with Clive Richardson
25 March
Sutton Bowling Club or Catchup at The Woolpack TBA
1 April
Cuddington G.C.: Charlie Millett - The Fantastic Freddie Foundation
8 April
Cuddington G.C.: Committee
15 April
Cuddington G.C.: Tony Birtley - Who's Truth is it Anyway?
22 April
The Woolpack, Banstead High St. : Catchup 7pm
29 April
Banstead Manor: Supper 18:30 - Chris Forkan, Bronze Age Britain meets The Normans at Rochester Cathedral