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Welcome to the new Rotary year!

On 2 July we celebrated the new Rotary year at Cuddington Golf Club. We welcomed 2 new Rotarians Diana Beck and Eddie McGrath, and we look forward to sharing our friendship and charity volunteering!

Ruth Mash gave us an excellent and friendly talk about life as a member of Banstead Rotaract! We really loved hearing about the achievements of the car wash fundraisers, international leadership, visits to Louviers and Mainz, charity runs and the lasting friendships formed!

We are always pleased to meet new Rotary volunteers and hope you will get in touch, and, we look forward to welcoming you to our future meetings. 

To find out more please visit the membership page or contact us.



by Banstead Rotary

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Privacy Policy  (GDPR), The Rotary Club of Banstead, Charity Number 1029532

As a service charity, operating both nationally and internationally, which can be contacted on email:  we promise to retain, for as short a period as reasonably necessary, your personal data privately and securely. It will be used solely to further the interests of the Charity. It will never be disclosed to a third-party without your prior consent. Anyone is entitled to details of the information we hold about them and to require cancellation of it. Any complaint about our handling of your data may be made to the Information Commissioner`s Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wimslow, Cheshire SK95AF. Helpline 0303 123 1113.'

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