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Evening talk: Lady Margaret Beaufort by Eddie McGrath

Twenty seven Banstead & Sutton Nonsuch Rotarians and guests met for a friendly and informal meal at Cuddington Golf Club on 3 September. We are building our Clubs’ relationships in order to work and volunteer together.

After a traditional steak pie with vegetables followed by chocolate gateau and ice cream everyone listened to Eddie’s fascinating presentation.

Lady Margaret Beaufort was the Tudor matriarch. A leading figure in the Wars of the Roses in the fifteenth century, mother of the first Tudor King Henry VII, and a skilful negotiator, and “politician”. Descended from Edward III she was a rich heiress and passed her claim on to her son. Through her diligence and networking he became king founding the Tudor dynasty after the Battle of Bosworth in 1485!

She was interested in and supported education and founded notably Christ’s College Cambridge and St John’s College Cambridge. Her descendants are some of our most celebrated monarchs Henry VIII, Elizabeth I and James VI of Scotland & 1 of England, Victoria, Elizabeth II! Indeed all monarchs from Henry v11 up to Charles III!



by Banstead Rotary

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