Banstead Wildlife Field

Early in September, a small group of enthusiastic Sutton Nonsuch and Banstead Rotarians met for a tour around the Banstead Wildlife Field. We walked and talked. We saw first hand the need for some love and care. The poor field did look quite bedraggled as it waits for its first cut in five years
(planned for the following week), but that enabled a discussion about the urban setting and how the spread of dominant plants (grass thatch, tree seedlings and bullrushes in the pond)) need regular human intervention to maintain a biodiverse balance. The field carries the distinction of having non-native plants from its inception and this gives a point of contrast for students to study, and of wider interest for visitors- provided they are non-invasive species. It was a lovely opportunity and a joy to make new friends and share this space with such interested, supportive and interactive visitors.
Currently working under the umbrella of Banstead Horticultural Society, the aim is to set up an
independent group which can dedicated itself to conserving this lovely piece of land. The Friends of
Banstead Wildlife Field are looking for volunteers to help with organisational support, (particularly a Treasurer and admin help) as well as hands on healthy activity in the field with maintenance and
occasional projects. If you are interested, or know someone who maybe, please contact Diana or on 07979688150 (by text or be prepared to leave a message).
Diana Beck, Banstead Rotary
