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Banstead Rotary Club's Christmas Collection Raises £5,430

The Rotary Club of Banstead has raised a magnificent £5430 with Gift Aid, thanks to donations towards their Christmas collections appeal. The Club's sleigh also visited Waitrose for their two static collections.

David Martin, Christmas Collection Chairman, said: “We would like to wish everyone a happier New Year and thank you for the support you gave to our Christmas collections.

“We would also like to thank our partners because leaflets were distributed by volunteers from Dyscover, Home Start, Age Concern, Maggies at the Royal Marsden, Banstead Scouts and Banstead Rotary.We greatly appreciate the support we received from Waitrose Banstead, the staff at Santander Banstead Branch, and our Corporate partner Banstead Manor,together with other local volunteers.

“Whilst we were disappointed that Father Christmas wasn’t able to parade in his sleigh as normal,we were delighted with the response to our leaflet tour of the streets so that everyone could still support us.

“Our grateful thanks to those who ventured out, and, to all those who visited our static collections, to see Father Christmas on his sleigh, whilst still maintaining social distancing.”

All proceeds have been donated to our charity partners: Age Concern, Home Start, Dyscover, Epsom and Ewell Talking Newspaper, Diamond Riding School, Princess Alice Hospice, QEF and Crossroads Care

For more information about Rotary or to visit the Club at a Zoom meeting please follow our social media. Anyone who wants to make a donation to the Christmas Collection can do so online – HERE



by Banstead Rotary

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