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Banstead Rotary Charity WALK24

This year our charity walk was held on Sunday 12 May which was a hot, sunny day so ideal for the road stewards, but, scorching for the walkers!

A total of 91 walkers strode the Downs (some with children and dogs) from Epsom Race Course to Tyrrells Wood Golf Course, near Headley, and back in a circuit. The walkers passed a blue haze of bluebells in many of the woodland areas enroute and raised money for a number of different chosen charities.

The total raised is predicted to be more than £4500!

Suzanne Rouse, Charity Walk Chairperson commented “Thank you so much for all your hard work today to make Walk24 a success, it couldn't have happened without you all helping out. I want to thank our friends who helped to set everything up and also thank

sanderstead and Selsdon Rotary Club as well as Valerie and Denise for their hard work with registration and certificate writing and Adore for her support on the day.  An event like this just doesn't happen over night so another big thank you for work completed in advance. To Jane for the PR, David for sorting out admin for the event and organising tables and chairs. And last but not least to Roger for all the emails over the last few months to walkers and gathering data for registrations and admin for the event to be able to take place.  He will also be sorting out the sponsorship monies over the next couple of months.” 

We are already working hard to deliver our next event: The Banstead Village Fair on Saturday 6 July!



by Banstead Rotary

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As a service charity, operating both nationally and internationally, which can be contacted on email:  we promise to retain, for as short a period as reasonably necessary, your personal data privately and securely. It will be used solely to further the interests of the Charity. It will never be disclosed to a third-party without your prior consent. Anyone is entitled to details of the information we hold about them and to require cancellation of it. Any complaint about our handling of your data may be made to the Information Commissioner`s Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wimslow, Cheshire SK95AF. Helpline 0303 123 1113.'

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