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Judging for Banstead Village in Bloom

Our President David hosted a gathering to commence the judging for Banstead Village in Bloom.

The Mayor Cllr Ross-Tomlin met the judges, Hazel Chant and Ian Gayton, the Banstead Village in Bloom Team, the chief sponsor Paul Harwood from Centro, and the children of Banstead Community Junior School, where the Mayor cut the cake to commemorate our wonderful entry.

The judges set of soon after viewing both the Junior and Infant School projects; then walked into the Horseshoe; along the High Street; across Lady Neville Rec to the Community Hall; returning to the High Street; where they were picked and taken to Lambert Road Allotments, The Winkworth Community Woodland Project, Banstead Wildlife Field and Age Concern Community Garden at Greenacres Residential Home. They then had a well-deserved cup of tea and a piece of cake.

The judging went very well; the judges informal comments were encouraging and effusive.

They made particular comment on the wide range of our entry and the extensive involvement of volunteers and community groups. We do not get the results until September; however, we are cautiously optimistic for a much-improved score this year. A Gold award appears well within our reach.


by Banstead Rotary


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