Banstead Charity Walk
This year's walk was a great success with around 120 walkers enjoying the superb scenery of the Downs on our 8 mile sponsored Charity Walk.
We have already received around £6k in sponsorship but expect this figure to rise to about £7k by the end of June when we close our books! Sponsors are able to give online through MyDonate or using sponsor forms in the old fashioned way. For those who find the task of getting sponsors a little too onerous, some just choose to walk and make their own donation.
We were delighted with the response when there are so many sponsored events at this time of year - each competing for the pounds in our pockets. However, we have been making sure we get the word out and about by using social media and local press to remind everyone about this event.
The walk is fully marshalled so that road crossings are safe and First Aid is provided by St John's Ambulance volunteers. Once the organisation is in place, the more walkers we have the better we love it!
This year's total will be about £2500 up on last year when we only saw around 56 walkers.
The following is a list of some of the charities supported by walkers in our 2017 walk.
1st Tattenham Guides
Anglo Chilean Charities
Citizens Advice Reigate & Banstead
Home Start Epsom, Ewell and Banstead
Inner Wheel charities
Shine Surrey
Wilson's School PFA
Rotary charaities locally and Internationally
Alzheimers Society
Cancer Research UK
Diamond Riding Centre
Iraqi Children
Marsden Cancer Charity, Sutton
Parish of Headley with Box Hill
Tuberous Sclerosis Association
Woodlands School Charitable Trust