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Lend With Care 

As a result of memorial tributes for two of the Club`s late members an account was opened with Lend With Care, which is part of the leading charity Care International, for the purpose of micro finance loans to small business entrepreneurs in developing countries worldwide.


By reinvesting the borrowers` repayments over three years the initial loan of £2,000 has increased to £8,000 thereby assisting 160 businesses and creating 417 jobs.

The following stats provide a picture of our current loans, completed repayments, defaults and current repayments from 26 January to 27 November 2023:

Number of currently active loans -  295


New loan recipients as 6 December 2023 - 19

Total loan amount from 26 January 2023 to 27 November 2023 -  £13,915.00

Number completed repayment loans -  241

Currency fluctuation losses -  £470.36


Number defaulted loans - 5


Defaulted losses -  £102.62


NB: All defaulted amounts occured 4-5 years ago. We have not had any default repayments since 2018 which is very impressive. 


How do we successfully select our micro-business loan recipients? We maintain our high repayment rates by carefully selecting our loan recipients based on gender, amount required to fund their micro-business and the policital stability in their country. 


In almost all cases our selection of successful mcro-businesses and loan repayers are either sole female entreprenuers or teams of female micro-business entrepreneurs working together in a co-operation business venture to better their lives, help support their husbands and get their children  a better education. They are the cornerstones of their families and local communities. 


by Banstead Rotary

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Privacy Policy  (GDPR), The Rotary Club of Banstead, Charity Number 1029532

As a service charity, operating both nationally and internationally, which can be contacted on email:  we promise to retain, for as short a period as reasonably necessary, your personal data privately and securely. It will be used solely to further the interests of the Charity. It will never be disclosed to a third-party without your prior consent. Anyone is entitled to details of the information we hold about them and to require cancellation of it. Any complaint about our handling of your data may be made to the Information Commissioner`s Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wimslow, Cheshire SK95AF. Helpline 0303 123 1113.'

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