8th November 2024
10am to 1pm
This year Banstead Rotary is planning to plant 20,000 crocuses in aid of the charity Purple for Polio which aims to eradicate polio. Leading the community support this year are the Beacon School and our corporate partners, Banstead Manor Care Home.
Other local schools and community groups have offered support to assist with the planting which will give the charity great publicity and add to Rotary’s consistent annual promotion of this valuable cause in the Village over the last ten or so years. There are crocuses in All Saints Orchard, crocuses in the library grounds and alongside it, crocuses along Sutton Lane, in the green at Tattenham Corner.
This year the planting will make a February purple splash in the Wildlife field which has now had its first cut in years and looks smooth, splendid, and fresh green. The crocuses will benefit wildlife by providing food for early bees.
Planting has traditionally enlisted the help of students from local schools and from experience we all enjoy the enthusiasm, fun and different styles of planting on these occasions. Everyone who participates is making happy memories and a mini-investment in the future, and can return in spring, to enjoy this gentle space with a new purple carpet which signifies the lifesaving polio vaccinations and the journey to extinction of this terrible disease.
If you are free to join us and help steward on the day please let Diana know on 01737 377529 (ansaphone)